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(Encyclopedia) covenantcovenantkŭvˈənənt [key], agreement entered into voluntarily by two or more parties to do or refrain from doing certain acts. In the Bible and in theology the covenant is the…

Brewer's: Adamic Covenant

Adam′ic The covenant made with God to Adam, that “the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head” (Gen. iii. 15). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Abrahamic Covenant

Abraham′ic The covenant made by God with Abraham, that Messiah should spring from his seed. This promise was given to Abraham, because he left his country and father's house to live in a…

Half-Way Covenant

(Encyclopedia) Half-Way Covenant, a doctrinal decision of the Congregational churches in New England. The first generation of Congregationalists had decided that only adults with personal experience…


(Encyclopedia) ShebaniahShebaniahshĕbˌənīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1, 2 Two signers of the Covenant. 3 Priestly signer of the Covenant. An alternate form is Shechaniah. 4 Musician.


(Encyclopedia) Baal-berithBaal-berithbāˈəl-bēˈrĭth [key] [Heb.,=Lord of the covenant], local god of Shechem mentioned in the Book of Judges. It has been suggested that the Israelites and local…


(Encyclopedia) HananHananhāˈnən [key], in the Bible. 1 Reader with Ezra in explaining the law. 2 Sealer of the covenant, probably the same as the preceding. 3 Descendant of Saul. 4 One of David's…

Henderson, Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Henderson, Alexander, 1583–1646, Scottish churchman often regarded as the greatest figure in the Church of Scotland after John Knox. Henderson became a leading opponent of prelacy and…


(Encyclopedia) CovenantersCovenanterskəvənănˈtərz [key], in Scottish history, groups of Presbyterians bound by oath to sustain each other in the defense of their religion. The first formal Covenant…