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Ferber, Herbert

(Encyclopedia) Ferber, Herbert, 1906–91, American sculptor, b. New York City, grad. Columbia (D.D.S., 1930). His original name was Herbert Ferber Silvers. Turning from early massive figures in wood…

National Trust

(Encyclopedia) National Trust, British association to preserve for the nation places of natural beauty or buildings of architectural or historic interest in the British Isles; founded 1894, chartered…


(Encyclopedia) RehumRehumrēˈhəm [key], in the Bible. 1 One of the returning exiles. He is also called Nehum. 2 Samaritan official who obstructed work on the Temple. 3 Sealer of the Covenant. 4 Levite…

Dalyell, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Dalyell or Dalzell, ThomasDalyell or Dalzell, Thomasboth: dēĕlˈ, dălˈyəl [key], 1599?–1685, Scottish soldier; also called Dalziel of the Binns. He fought for Charles II at the battle…

Cargill, Donald

(Encyclopedia) Cargill, Donald, 1619?–1681, Scottish Covenanter. He was a minister in Glasgow from c.1655 until 1662, when he was expelled for denouncing the Restoration and resisting the…


(Encyclopedia) GaleedGaleedgălˈēĕd [key], Jegar-sahaduthaGaleedjēˈgär-sāˌhədy&oomacr;ˈthə [key], or MizpahGaleedmĭzˈpə [key], in the Bible, cairn, raised by Jacob and Laban to mark their covenant…

Higginson, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Higginson, Francis, 1586–1630, American colonial clergyman, b. Leicestershire, England, M.A. Cambridge, 1613. Admitted (1614) to the ministry of the Church of England, he later became…


(Encyclopedia) RutherglenRutherglenrŭᵺˈərglĕn [key], town (1991 pop. 24,900), South Lanarkshire, S central Scotland, on the Clyde River. Manufactures include chemicals, paper, textiles, and metal…

Craig, John

(Encyclopedia) Craig, John, 1512?–1600, Scottish minister of the Reformation. He joined the Dominican order, but through reading the Institutes of Calvin, he adopted Protestantism. Imprisoned at Rome…