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(Encyclopedia) BigvaiBigvaibĭgˈvāī, bĭgvāˈī [key], in the Bible. 1 Signer of the covenant. 2 Name of a family in the return.

Leighton, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Leighton, Robert, 1611–84, Scottish prelate and classical scholar. After several years in France, where he seems to have developed an admiration for the Jansenists, he became (1641) a…


(Encyclopedia) MeshezabeelMeshezabeelmēshĕzˈəbēlˌ [key], in the Bible. 1 Worker on the wall. 2 Signer of the covenant. 3 Descendant of Judah.


(Encyclopedia) HattushHattushhătˈəsh [key], in the Bible. 1, 2 Descendants of David. 3 Signer of the covenant. 4 Worker on the wall of Jerusalem.


(Encyclopedia) HashabiahHashabiahhăshəbīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief priest. 2 Harpist. 3 Sealer of the Covenant. 4, 5 Levites in the Temple. 6 Worker on the wall.


(Encyclopedia) ElkanahElkanahĕlˈkānə, ĕlkāˈnə [key], in the Bible. 1 Husband of Hannah and father of Samuel. 2 Head of a Levitical family. 3 Officer of Ahaz's household. 4 Doorkeeper of the Ark of…


(Encyclopedia) Uzza or UzzahUzzaŭzˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 Israelite who met sudden death after touching the Ark of the Covenant. 2 Benjamite. 3 Descendant of Merari. 4 One who returned with…


(Encyclopedia) RehobRehobrēˈhŏb [key], in the Bible. 1 Hadadezer's father. 2 Sealer of the Covenant. 3 See Beth-rehob. 4 Town of Asher.

Daniel, persons in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Daniel, in the Bible. 1 Prophet, central figure of the book of Daniel. 2 See Chileab. 3 Sealer of the covenant.


(Encyclopedia) ZatthuZatthuzăthˈy&oomacr; [key] or ZattuZatthuzătˈ– [key], in the Bible, family returned from Exile, married foreign wives, sealers of the Covenant.