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Bellah, Robert Neelly

(Encyclopedia) Bellah, Robert NeellyBellah, Robert Neellybĕlˈə [key],1927–2013, American sociologist and educator. He was educated at Harvard (Ph.D., 1955) and taught there before becoming Elliot…


(Encyclopedia) reprisal, in international law, the forcible taking, in time of peace, by one country of the property or territory belonging to another country or to the citizens of the other country…

Edwards, Jonathan, 1745–1801, American theologian

(Encyclopedia) Edwards, Jonathan, the younger, 1745–1801, American theologian, b. Northampton, Mass., grad. College of New Jersey (now Princeton), 1765; son of Jonathan Edwards (1703–58). His career…


(Encyclopedia) ark, in the Bible. 1 Boat of Noah, which he built at God's command to preserve his family and certain creatures from the Deluge. 2 Ark of the Covenant, the sacred wooden chest of the…


(Encyclopedia) NoahNoahnōˈə [key] [Heb.,=to rest], in the Bible, the builder of the ark. Righteous Noah and his family were the only people God saved from a world sunk in sin. At divine direction…


(Encyclopedia) ShilohShilohshīˈlō [key], town, central ancient Palestine, the modern Khirbet Seilun, the West Bank, NNE of Jerusalem. In biblical times it lay in the territory of Ephraim. The Hebrews…

Sharp, James

(Encyclopedia) Sharp, James, 1613–79, Scottish prelate. As a Presbyterian minister, Sharp became (1650) a leader of the moderate wing of the Scottish church called the Resolutioners. He was captured…


(Encyclopedia) sanction, in law and ethics, any inducement to individuals or groups to follow or refrain from following a particular course of conduct. All societies impose sanctions on their members…

Bullinger, Heinrich

(Encyclopedia) Bullinger, HeinrichBullinger, Heinrichhīnˈrĭkh b&oobreve;ˈlĭng-ər [key], 1504–75, Swiss Protestant reformer. After the death of Ulrich Zwingli in 1531, Bullinger became pastor of…


(Encyclopedia) ultimatumultimatumŭlˌtĭmāˈtəm [key], in international law, final, definitive terms submitted by one disputant nation to the other for immediate acceptance or rejection. Since refusal…