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Myra C. Selby Biography

Myra C. Selbyattorney, former state supreme court justiceBorn: 7/1/1955Birthplace: Saginaw, Mich. Selby served as an associate justice on the Indiana Supreme Court from Jan. 1995 to Oct. 1999…

The Devil's Dictionary: Tights

by Ambrose Bierce THEOSOPHYTOMBTIGHTS -n. An habiliment of the stage designed to reinforce the general acclamation of the press agent with a particular publicity. Public attention was once…

Red Sky Proverb

The Question: What is the correct ending to the quotation that begins, "Red sky at night..."? The Answer: The expression you are referring to…

Smallest European Country

The Question: What is the smallest European country, defined by land mass? The Answer: At .17 square miles, Vatican City (an…

World's First Skyjacking

The Question: When did the first case of hijacking occur? The Answer: We assume you're wondering about airplanes. In that case, the more…

Tori Amos: Strange Little Girls

Strange Little GirlsAtlantic Since her early, stark version of Nirvana's “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” it was apparent that Tori Amos had a knack for recording fascinating covers. But she's…

James L. Fergason

James L. FergasonBorn: 1934Birthplace: Wakenda, Missouri Liquid crystal display (LCD)—Liquid crystal displays were originally based on a concept that used a large amount of powder, provided a limited…

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism comprises the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. It stands under the authority of the bishop of Rome, the pope, and is led by him and bishops who are held to be,…