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Bradford Parkinson

Bradford ParkinsonBorn: 1935 Global Positioning System—GPS. During the 1950s, Getting advanced the concept of using a system of satellites to allow the calculation of precise positioning data…

Flatland: How I had a Vision of Lineland

by Edwin A. Abbott How I vainly tried to explain ...How I had a Vision of Lineland It was the last day but one of the 1999th year of our era, and the first day of the Long Vacation.…

Major Military Operations Since World War II

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesThe global spread of the First and Second World Wars made them the two most notable events of the 20th century. But they were far from the only major conflicts. Large…

Advertising Art Director

Nicole Anderson Tell us about your work---what do you do? I work as part of a creative team of art directors and copywriters to…

Julius Rosenwald Biography

Julius Rosenwaldmerchant, retail executive, philanthropistBorn: 8/12/1862Birthplace: Springfield, Ill. Having successfully run a Chicago store specializing in men's fashions (1885–95),…

What are ear mites?

The Question: Our veterinarian told us that our 10-week-old cats have ear mites? What are ear mites? The Answer: Ear mites are tiny parasites that feed on the…


Director/Writer:Joel SchumacherMGM; R; 110 minutesRelease:11/99Cast:Robert DeNiro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Miller A flamboyant transvestite going-on transsexual (Philip Seymour Hoffman…

Grace Hopper Biography

Grace Hopperrear admiral; computer scientistBorn: 12/9/1906Birthplace: New York City Dr. Grace Murray Hopper was one of the earliest computer programmers and a leader in the field of software…