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Chemistry: Formation of Multiple Covalent Bonds

Formation of Multiple Covalent BondsChemistryGetting to Know Covalent CompoundsWhat Are Covalent Compounds?Formation of Multiple Covalent BondsProperties of Covalent CompoundsWhat's in a Name?…

Chemistry: What Are Acids and Bases?

What Are Acids and Bases?ChemistryAcids and BasesWhat Are Acids and Bases?Properties of Acids and BasesThe pH ScaleTitrationsBuffers Although I've told you that acids and bases aren't hard to…

Chemistry: Molar Mass

Molar MassChemistryThe MoleWhat's a Mole?Molar MassConverting Between Moles, Molecules, and GramsPercent Composition When speaking about doing chemical reactions, it isn't very handy to say that…


(Encyclopedia) metabolite, organic compound that is a starting material in, an intermediate in, or an end product of metabolism. Starting materials are substances, usually small and of simple…


(Encyclopedia) carbonatecarbonatekärˈbənātˌ, –nət [key], chemical compound containing the carbonate radical or ion, CO3−2. Most familiar carbonates are salts that are formed by reacting an inorganic…


Cite Michael Faraday, painted here in his lab, was a pioneer in chemistry and physics. His greatest work was with electricity. Chemistry is, at its most basic, the science of what stuff is made of…

Chemistry: Resonance Structures

Resonance StructuresChemistryBonding and Structure in Covalent CompoundsCovalent Compounds Get MysteriousThe Mystery and Wonder of Hybrid OrbitalsDrawing Lewis StructuresResonance StructuresValence…

silver chloride

(Encyclopedia) silver chloride, chemical compound, AgCl, a white cubic crystalline solid. It is nearly insoluble in water but is soluble in a water solution of ammonia, potassium cyanide, or sodium…