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(Encyclopedia) CE5 alaninealanineălˈənēnˌ [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer participates in the biosynthesis of proteins…


(Encyclopedia) alloyalloyălˈoi, əloiˈ [key] [O. Fr.,=combine], substance with metallic properties that consists of a metal fused with one or more metals or nonmetals. Alloys may be a homogeneous…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 argininearginineärˈjənĭn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer participates in the biosynthesis of…


(Encyclopedia) bromide, any of a group of compounds that contain bromine and a more electropositive element or radical. Bromides are formed by the reaction of bromine or a bromide with another…

adenosine monophosphate

(Encyclopedia) adenosine monophosphate (AMP)adenosine monophosphateədĕnˈəsēn mŏnˌəfŏsˈfāt [key], organic compound composed of an adenine base, the sugar ribose, and one phosphate unit. AMP is one of…


(Encyclopedia) turpentine, yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin exuded from the sapwood of pines, firs, and other conifers. It is made up of two principal components, an essential oil and a type of…

Soddy, Frederick

(Encyclopedia) Soddy, FrederickSoddy, Fredericksŏdˈē [key], 1877–1956, English chemist. He worked under Lord Rutherford at McGill Univ. and with Sir William Ramsay at the Univ. of London. After…


(Encyclopedia) saccharinsaccharinsăkˈərĭn [key], C7H5NSO3, white, crystalline, aromatic compound. It was discovered accidentally by I. Remsen and C. Fahlberg in 1879. Pure saccharin tastes several…

acid anhydride

(Encyclopedia) acid anhydrideacid anhydrideănhīˈdrīd, –drəd [key], chemical compound that reacts with water to form an acid (see acids and bases). Anhydrides of inorganic acids are usually oxides of…


(Encyclopedia) PyinmanaPyinmanapyĭnˈmänäˌ [key], town and township (1983 pop. 52,962), Naypyidaw union territory, S central Myanmar, 55 mi (89 km) NNW of Toungoo. Pyinmana is located on the Yangon–…