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molecular modeling

(Encyclopedia) molecular modeling, the computer simulation, by various means, of chemical structures or processes. Special computer-graphics programs can display three-dimensional images of molecular…


(Encyclopedia) carbide, any one of a group of compounds that contain carbon and one other element that is either a metal, boron, or silicon. Generally, a carbide is prepared by heating a metal, metal…

carbon tetrachloride

(Encyclopedia) carbon tetrachloridecarbon tetrachloridetĕˌtrəklôrˈīd [key] or tetrachloromethanetetrachloromethanetĕˌtrəklôrˌəmĕthˈān [key], CCl4, colorless, poisonous, liquid organic compound that…


(Encyclopedia) tubercletuberclet&oomacr;ˈbərky&oomacr;lˌ [key] [Lat.,=little swelling], small, usually solid, nodule or prominence. In anatomy the term is applied to natural prominences in…

zinc oxide

(Encyclopedia) zinc oxide, chemical compound, ZnO, that is nearly insoluble in water but soluble in acids or alkalies. It occurs as white hexagonal crystals or a white powder commonly known as zinc…

pressure-treated wood

(Encyclopedia) pressure-treated wood, wood that has had a liquid preservative forced into it in order to protect against deterioration due to rot or insect attack. The most commonly used…

silicon carbide

(Encyclopedia) silicon carbide, chemical compound, SiC, that forms extremely hard, dark, iridescent crystals that are insoluble in water and other common solvents. Widely used as an abrasive, it is…

ammonium nitrate

(Encyclopedia) ammonium nitrate, chemical compound, NH4NO3, that exists as colorless, rhombohedral crystals at room temperature but changes to monoclinic crystals when heated above 32℃. It is…

aspartic acid

(Encyclopedia) CE5 aspartic acidaspartic acidəspärˈtĭk [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer participates in the…


(Encyclopedia) Masai or MaasaiMaasaimäsīˈ [key], a largely nomadic pastoral people of E Africa, chiefly in Kenya and Tanzania. Cattle and sheep form the basis of the economy that they have maintained…