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Displaying 141 - 150

The Deepest Lake in the World

The Question: What is the deepest lake-man-made or natural-in the world? The Answer: The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Siberia, Russia. It is a natural lake that is 5,712 feet (1…

Computers in Public Schools

The Question: How many computers are there in public schools now as compared to 10 years ago? The Answer: During the 1984-85 school year, there…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: Corrasion.

WEATHERING.CORRASION.Mr. G. K. Gilbert has embodied in his admirable monograph on the Henry Mountains, a chapter on Land Sculpture, which sets forth in most logical and condensed from the…

A Pill with a Purpose

A team of astronomers from the California Institute of Technology, led by S. George Djorgovski, may have glimpsed the dawn of our universe. In Aug. 2001, this team reported that it had spotted the “…

Silvio Berlusconi, 2003 News

Italian prime minister, created a diplomatic furor on the day he became president of the European Union (a rotating position) when he compared a German legislator to a Nazi concentration-…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Insight

InsightPower that by obedience grows, Knowledge which its source not knows, Wave which severs whom it bears From the things which he compares, Adding wings through things to range, To his own…

The Devil's Dictionary: Politician

by Ambrose Bierce POLITICSPOLYGAMYPOLITICIAN -n. An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the superstructure of organized society is reared. When we wriggles he mistakes the agitation of…