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Displaying 161 - 170

Aesop's Fables: The Bear and the Fox

by Aesop The Peacock and JunoThe Ass and the Old PeasantThe Bear and the Fox A Bear was once bragging about his generous feelings, and saying how refined he was compared with other…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 8, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 7, 1806March 9, 1806March 8, 1806 Saturday March 8th 1806. Bratton is much better today, his back gives him but little pain. Collins…

Farm and Nonfarm Labor Force, 1940–2005

(number in thousands)YearCivilian labor force employedTotalAgricultureNonagriculturalindustries1940147,5209,54037,9801945152,8208,58044,240195058,9187,16051,758195562,1706,45055,7221960265,7785,45860…

Patrick O'Brian 2000 Deaths

Patrick O'BrianAge: 85 best-selling novelist whose 20 sea stories have been compared to the works of Melville, Trollope, and Austen. His books include Master and Commander, The Reverse of…

The Star Maker(1995)

Miramax; rental pricing; NR Director: Giuseppe Tornatore Cast: Sergio Castellitto and Tiziana Lodato Italy Joe Morelli (Castellito) is a con man with a camera. He travels…

Penny Drop

The Question: Is it true that if you dropped a penny off the Empire State Building and it hit somebody it could kill him? The Answer: It's a…

Shirley Clarke 1997 Deaths

Shirley Clarkefilmmaker An independent filmmaker, Clarke compared her work to Off-Broadway productions, offering experimental works that challenged convention. Her film The Connection, a…