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Hasdrubal d. 207 b.c., Carthaginian general

(Encyclopedia) Hasdrubal, d. 207 b.c., Carthaginian general; son of Hamilcar Barca. During the Second Punic War (see Punic Wars), his brother Hannibal, on leaving for Italy, made Hasdrubal commander…

Sampson, William Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Sampson, William Thomas, 1840–1902, American naval officer, b. Palmyra, N.Y. After serving with Union naval forces in the Civil War, he saw varied naval service and was (1886–90)…

San Juan Boundary Dispute

(Encyclopedia) San Juan Boundary Dispute, controversy between the United States and Great Britain over the U.S.–British Columbia boundary. It is sometimes called the Northwest Boundary Dispute. The…

Babangida, Ibrahim

(Encyclopedia) Babangida, IbrahimBabangida, Ibrahimēbräˈhēm bäbänˈgēdä [key], 1941–, Nigerian military and political leader. After graduating (1963) from Nigeria's military college, he joined the…

Soleimani, Qasem

(Encyclopedia) Soleimani, Qasem, or Qassem SuleimaniSoleimani, Qasem,käˈsəm Sōləmänˈē [key], 1957–2020, Iranian general. He joined the Revolutionary Guards following the 1979 revolution and was…

FitzRoy, Robert

(Encyclopedia) FitzRoy, Robert, 1805–65, British naval officer, meteorologist, and hydrologist. Given (1829) temporary command of the HMS Beagle, he completed a survey of the coasts of Patagonia and…

Federmann, Nikolaus

(Encyclopedia) Federmann, NikolausFedermann, Nikolausnēˈkōlous fāˈdərmän [key], 1501–42, German adventurer in Venezuela and Colombia. In the service of the Welser brothers, Augsburg bankers to whom…

Constantine, Russian grand duke

(Encyclopedia) Constantine (Konstantin Pavlovich)Constantinekənstəntyēnˈ pävˈləvĭch [key], 1779–1831, Russian grand duke, second son of Czar Paul I and brother of Alexander I and Nicholas I. On the…

Gallas, Matthias, Graf von

(Encyclopedia) Gallas, Matthias, Graf vonGallas, Matthias, Graf vonmätēˈäs gräf fən gälˈäs [key], 1584–1647, imperial general in the Thirty Years War. He served under Tilly, commander of the Catholic…

Videla, Jorge Rafael

(Encyclopedia) Videla, Jorge RafaelVidela, Jorge Rafaelhôrˈhā räfäĕlˈ vēdāˈlä [key], 1925–2013, Argentine general and president. Born to a military family, he graduated (1944) from the National…