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Morgan, Sir Henry

(Encyclopedia) Morgan, Sir Henry, 1635?–1688, Welsh buccaneer. In his youth he went to the West Indies, eventually joining the buccaneers there. On the death (1667) of Edward Mansfield, Morgan took…

Assad, Hafez al-

(Encyclopedia) Assad, Hafez al-Assad, Hafez al-häfĕzˈ [key]Assad, Hafez al- äl-äsˈsäd [key], 1930–2000, president of Syria (1971–2000). He graduated (1955) from the Syrian Military Academy and…

Armstrong, Neil Alden

(Encyclopedia) Armstrong, Neil Alden, 1930–2012, American astronaut, b. Wapakoneta, Ohio, grad. Purdue Univ. (B.S., 1955), Univ. of Southern California (M.S., 1970). A U.S. Navy fighter pilot during…

Leclerc, Jacques Philippe

(Encyclopedia) Leclerc, Jacques PhilippeLeclerc, Jacques Philippezhäk fēlēpˈ [key]Leclerc, Jacques Philippe ləklĕrˈ [key], 1902–47, French general. His real name was Philippe, vicomte de Hauteclocque…

Lexington and Concord, battles of

(Encyclopedia) Lexington and Concord, battles of, opening engagements of the American Revolution, Apr. 19, 1775. After the passage (1774) of the Intolerable Acts by the British Parliament, unrest in…


(Encyclopedia) archonsarchonsärˈkŏnz, –kənz [key] [Gr.,=leaders], in ancient Athens and other Greek cities, officers of state. Originally in Athens there were three archons: the archon eponymos (so…


(Encyclopedia) LysanderLysanderlīsănˈdər [key], d. 395 b.c., Spartan naval commander and statesman. Toward the end of the Peloponnesian War he was made admiral and built up the Spartan fleet so that…


(Encyclopedia) MacbethMacbethmăkbĕthˈ [key], d. 1057, king of Scotland (1040–57). He succeeded his father as governor of the province of Moray c.1031 and was a military commander for Duncan I. In…

Little Turtle

(Encyclopedia) Little Turtle, c.1752–1812, chief of the Miami, born in a Miami village near present-day Fort Wayne, Ind. He was noted for his oratorical powers, military skill, and intelligence. He…