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Brewer's: Red Laws

(The). The civil code of ancient Rome. Juvenal says, “Per lege rubras majoram leges” (Satires, xiv. 193). The civil laws, being written in vermillion, were called rubrica, and rubrica…

Brewer's: Martian Laws

Laws compiled by Martia, wife of Guithelin, great-grandson of Mulmutius, who established in England the Mulmutian Laws. Alfred translated both these codes into Saxon-English. Guynteline…

Government Documents

/**/ The U.S. Constitution created the current government of the United States in 1789. In law and government, primary sources are vitally important; they are quite literally the letter of the law…

Choosing a Pope

Learn how a new pope is selected upon the death or retirement of a sitting pontiff Benedict XVI Related Links Biography of Benedict XVI Major Religions of the World…

Federalist No. 42

No 41 No 43 The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered From the New York Packet.Tuesday, January 22, 1788.Madison To the People of the State of New…

Native American Nations & Tribes

Information about select nations and groups There are over 500 different Native American nations recognized by the United States.  Related Links Biographies of Notable American Indians…

42 Best War Movie Quotes

Top of Page War movies have captivated audiences for generations, and with good reason. They tell stories of heroism, sacrifice, and the struggle for survival in the face of unimaginable danger. To…

U.S. Postal Rates & Fees

First-Class Mail includes all personal correspondence, all bills and statements of accounts, all matter sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, and matter wholly or partly in writing or…

Laos Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note LaosA small boat crosses the Mekong River, Laos, February 9, 2001. [© AP Images]   PROFILE OFFICIAL NAME:Lao People's Democratic RepublicGeography Area:…