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Brewer's: Twelve Tables

The earliest code of Roman law, compiled by the Decemviri, and cut on twelve bronze tables or tablets (Livy, iii. 57; Diodorus, xii. 56.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Whip with Six Strings

(The). Called “the Bloody Statute.” The religious code of six articles enacted by Convocation and Parliament in the reign of Henry VIII. (1539…

Brewer's: Extravagantes Constitutiones

or Extravagants. The papal constitutions of John XXII., and some few of his successors, supplemental to the “Corpus Juris Canonici.” So called because they were not ranged in order with…

Brewer's: Menu

(alternative Manu ) Son of Brahma, whose institutes are the great code of Indian civil and religious law. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Meo PerieuloMentor…

A Richter Scale for Close Encounter Asteroids

Sources: NASA and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A new tool to help scientists, the media, and the public assess the potential danger of asteroids and comets, collectively called near…

The Impressive, Expressive Emoji

Related Links Emoji Timeline Emoji Crafts and Activities Smileys Did you know the laughing tears of joy emoji won Oxford Dictionary's "Word of the Year" in 2015? It was the first…

Inheritance: Gametogenesis in Plants and Animals

Gametogenesis in Plants and AnimalsInheritanceIntroductionGenes at Work: Mendel's BreakthroughMeiosis and Sexual ReproductionGametogenesis in Plants and AnimalsRegulation of Gene Expression in…

The Gambia Map

    The Gambia Information More on The Gambia: More:  Countries of the World · World Geography · World Statistics · Flags Search for…

Faroe Islands Map

  Faeroe Islands Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Faeroe Islands Information Encyclopedia: Faeroe Islands In-depth entries…

Isle of Man Map

    Isle of Man Information More on Isle of Man: More:  Territories, Colonies, and Dependencies · Countries of the World · Oceans & Seas Amazon…