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Falkland Islands Map

  Falkland Islands Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Falkland Islands Information Encyclopedia: Falkland Islands In-depth entries…

Saint Helena Map

  Saint Helena Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Saint Helena Information Encyclopedia: Saint Helena In-depth entries covering:…

Clipperton Island Map

  Clipperton Island Profile: History · Government · Economy · Population €¦ Clipperton Island Information Encyclopedia: Clipperton Island In-depth…

Brewer's: Black Book

A book exposing abuses in Church and State, which furnished much material for political reform in the early part of the present century. (See Black Books.) Amherst speaks of the Proctor's…

Brewer's: Koran

or, with the article, Al-Korân [the Reading]. The religious, social, civil, commercial, military, and legal code of Islam. It is rather remarkable that we call our Bible the writing (…

2001 Intel Science Talent Search Winners

First Place: $100,000 scholarship, Viviana Risca, 17, Paul D.Schreiber Senior High School, Port Washington, N.Y., for her computer science project, “DNA-based Steganography,” which studied…

Brewer's: Edda

There are two religious codes, so called, containing the ancient Scandinavian mythology. One is in verse, composed in Iceland in the eleventh century by Sæmund Sigfusson, the Sage; and the…

Brewer's: Nihilists

A radical society of the maddest proclivities, which started into existence in 1848, under the leadership of Herzen and Bakunin. Their professed object was to annihilate all laws of social…

Brewer's: Salic Law

The law so called is one chapter of the Salian code regarding succession to salic lands, which was limited to heirs male to the exclusion of females, chiefly because certain military…

Brewer's: Perfectionists

A society founded by Father Noyes in Oneida Creek. They take St. Pàul for their law-giver, but read his epistles in a new light. They reject all law, saying the guidance of the Spirit is…