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Displaying 311 - 320

A the Heart of the Continent

Chapter 10 Chapter 12 A the Heart of the Continent Captain Clark continued his observations up the long series of rapids and falls until he came to a group of three small…

Like Father, Like Daughter

Past evidence uncovered in Israel and France has shown that Neanderthals lived on Earth at the same time as modern Homo sapiens. Neanderthals were found to have lived about 34,000 years ago near…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 10, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 9, 1805May 11, 1805May 10, 1805 Friday May 10th 1805. Set out at sunrise and proceeded but a short distance ere the wind became so violent…

The Iliad of Homer: The Acts of Diomed

The Breach of the Truce, and t... The Episodes of Glaucus and Di... The Acts of Diomed. Diomed, assisted by Pallas, performs wonders in this day's battle. Pandarus wounds him with an…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Sphinx

The SphinxThe Sphinx is drowsy, Her wings are furled: Her ear is heavy, She broods on the world. "Who'll tell me my secret, The ages have kept?— I awaited the seer While they…