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Walt Whitman: Book XXXI, Part 5

Part 5Beautiful world of new superber birth that rises to my eyes, Like a limitless golden cloud filling the westernr sky, Emblem of general maternity lifted above all, Sacred shape of the…

Ralp Waldo Emerson: The Poet, I

IRight upward on the road of fame With sounding steps the poet came; Born and nourished in miracles, His feet were shod with golden bells, Or where he stepped the soil did peal As if the dust…

Anna Hempstead Branch: Songs for my Mother

Songs for my MotherAnna Hempstead BranchHer HandsMy mother's hands are cool and fair, They can do anything. Delicate mercies hide them there Like flowers in the spring.When I was small and…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 7, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 6, 1805August 8, 1805August 7, 1805 Wednesday August 7th 1805. The morning being fair we spread our stores to dry at an early hour.…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 9, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 8, 1805August 10, 1805August 9, 1805 Friday August 9th 1805. The morning was fair and fine; we set out at an early hour and proceeded on…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Sunset

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Hymn to Intellectual BeautyThe Sunset There late was One within whose subtle being, As light and wind within some delicate cloud That fades amid the blue noon's…

Brewer's: Clotho

in Classic mythology One of the Three Fates. She presided over birth, and drew from her distaff the thread of life, Atropos presided over death and cut the thread of life, and Lachesis…