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Brewer's: Clotho

in Classic mythology One of the Three Fates. She presided over birth, and drew from her distaff the thread of life, Atropos presided over death and cut the thread of life, and Lachesis…

Brewer's: Cloven foot

To show the cloven foot, i.e. to show a knavish intention, a base motive. The allusion is to Satan, represented with the legs and feet of a goat; and, however he might disguise himself, he…

Brewer's: Titian

[Tiziano Vecellio]. An Italian landscape painter, celebrated for the fine effects of his clouds. (1477-1576.) Not Titian's pencil e'er could so array, So fleece with clouds the pure…

Brewer's: Blow Me

(an oath). You be blowed (an oath), a play on the word Dash me, which is a euphemism for a more offensive oath. “ `Well, if you won't stand a pint,' quoth the tall man, `I will, that's all…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Marianne's Dream

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To Constantia, SingingMarianne's Dream Composed at Marlow, 1817. Published in Hunt's "Literary Pocket-Book", 1819, and reprinted in "Posthumous Poems", 1824. 1. A…

Sirach: 50

Sirach Chapter 50 1 Simon the high priest, the son of Onias, who in his life repaired the house again, and in his days fortified the temple: 2 And by him was built from the…

Christina Rossetti: Repining

RepiningMarch 1850She sat alway thro' the long day Spinning the weary thread away; And ever said in undertone: 'Come, that I be no more alone.'From early dawn to set of sun Working, her task…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Queen Mab Book 1

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To Harriet ***** 2 1 How wonderful is Death, Death and his brother Sleep! One, pale as yonder waning moon With lips of lurid blue; The other, rosy as the morn When…

The Illiad: The Acts of Diomed.

The Breach of the Truce, and t... The Episodes of Glaucus and Di... The Acts of Diomed. Diomed, assisted by Pallas, performs wonders in this day's battle. Pandarus wounds him with an…