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Weather, Table of Contents

WeatherWeatherch01s01 what-should-wearch01s02 playing-oddsch01s03 getting-down-to-basicsch01s04 forecasting-from-beginningch02s01 partly-to-mostly-cloudych02s02 moisture-humiditych02s03 cloudsch02s04…


    Although Venus is Earth's closest neighbor, very little is known about the planet because it is permanently covered by thick clouds. In 1962, Soviet and American space probes, coupled with…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 4, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 3, 1805July 5, 1805July 4, 1805 Thursday July 4th 1805. Yesterday we permitted Sergt. Gass McNeal and several others who had not yet seen…

Weather: Frontal Attack

Frontal AttackWeatherOn Another FrontMass AppealPutting Up a FrontFrontal AttackStorms on the FrontTelling What's Next Air masses generate their own types of weather, but their interactions on a…

Red Sky Proverb

The Question: What is the correct ending to the quotation that begins, "Red sky at night..."? The Answer: The expression you are referring to…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Vision of the Sea

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Sensitive PlantThe CloudA Vision of the Sea Composed at Pisa early in 1820, and published with "Prometheus Unbound" in the same year. A transcript in Mrs.…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Lines

LinesWritten by Ellen Louisa Tucker Shortly before Her Marriage to Mr. EmersonLove scatters oil On Life's dark sea, Sweetens its toil— Our helmsman he. Around him hover Odorous clouds;…


Jovian MoonsThe Magnetosphere of Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system—a gaseous world as large as 1,300 Earths. Its equatorial diameter is 88,736 mi (142,800 km), while…