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Leopard Species Discovered

Genetic tests lead to the discovery on Borneo and Sumatra by Beth Rowen Related Links Classifying Animals Estimated Number of Animal Species…

Numbers: 9

Numbers Chapter 9 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying, 2 Let…

Earth Science Projects

Science projects for all grades. More Science Projects Biology Science ProjectsBotany Science ProjectsChemistry Science ProjectsPhysical Science ProjectsRelated Links…

Weather: So Why Does It Rain?

So Why Does It Rain?WeatherBring on the RainDroplet to Drop … How Rain HappensTypes of PrecipitationFooling the CloudsSo Why Does It Rain? Wait a minute! After all this, we still don't know why it…

Weather: Getting Down to Basics

Getting Down to BasicsWeatherWhat Should I Wear?Playing the OddsGetting Down to BasicsForecasting from the Beginning Although this introduction to weather forecasting may seem flip, it is meant to…

Halo Moon

The Question: What is the halo moon? The Answer: In the study of meteorology, the term halo can refer to several optical phenomena whereas sunlight or…

What Kind of Cloudy Is It?

Clouds are little drops of water or ice hanging in the atmosphere. A ceilometer measures the height of clouds. Cloud Descriptive Name Height Description Cirrus Mare's tails 4 miles…

Neptune's Rings

Voyager found four rings and evidence of ring arcs or incomplete rings. The “Main Ring” orbits Neptune at about 23,812.5 mi (38,100 km) above the cloud tops. The “Inner Ring” is about 17,750 mi (28,…

Formation of the Solar System

Our solar system consists of one star (the Sun), eight planets and all their moons, three dwarf planets, and several thousand small solar system objects—…

William Blake: The Book of Thel, II

by WilliamBlakeIIIIII O little Cloud the virgin said, I charge thee to tell me Why thou complainest now when in one hour thou fade away: Then we shall seek thee but not find: ah Thel is…