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Earth Sciences

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…

Easter, 1916

Easter, 1916I have met them at close of day Coming with vivid faces From counter or desk among grey Eighteenth-century houses. I have passed with a nod of the head Or polite meaningless words…

Conrad Aiken: Morning Song of Senlin

Morning Song of SenlinConrad AikenIt is morning, Senlin says, and in the morning When the light drips through the shutters like the dew, I arise, I face the sunrise, And do the things my…

Weather: It's Different in the Tropics

It's Different in the TropicsWeatherHurricanes: The Greatest Storms on EarthIt's Different in the TropicsHow It HappensThe Name GameHurricane ForecastingThe Triple Threat Most American…

Amy Lowell: VII

VIIOver the slate roof tall clouds, like ships of the line, pass along the sky. The glass-houses glitter splotchily, for many of their lights are broken. Roses bloom, fiery cinders quenching…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 19, 1805June 21, 1805June 20, 1805 Thursday June 20th 1805. This morning we had but little to do; waiting the return of Capt. Clark; I am…