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To obtain your credit report

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Web: Just about everyone uses credit, whether it is for car, student, or bank loans; mortgages; or credit…

Six Warning Signs of a Financial Problem

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation offers the following guidelines to evaluate whether you are facing significant financial difficulties.Loan payments, excluding mortgages, but…

How to Right a Wrong

Source: Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Most companies want to make you happy so you’ll come back and recommend them to your friends. But when you find a company that’s not making the grade,…

Favorite School Subjects

Among children age 6-11 Subject % Who Chose Particular Subject All Boys Girls Age 6–7 Age 8–9 Age 10–11 Math 25.4% 28.9% 21.6%…

Giving Pledge Participants

The United States is home to roughly 40% of the world's billionaires. About 10% of America's richest citizens have committed to participate in the Giving Pledge and donate…

ABCs of Mutual Funds

Sound advice from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Comparing Different Funds Terms To Know Buying and Selling Shares You can buy some mutual fund shares by contacting the…

Financial Websites

American Association of Individual Investors Mutual Funds Homepage Foreign Exchange Rates U.S. Securities and Exchange…

Housing Expense Guidelines

Source: Fannie Mae Your job history is important and it will be a major factor in whether you qualify for a loan. If you have been working continuously for two years or more, you are considered to…