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Displaying 441 - 450

Richest Americans

The following table lists the richest Americans by their net worth and the industry in which they earned their fortune. Bill Gates is the richest American Source: AP Photo Rank Name…

Richest States

The following table lists the states with the highest per capita personal income. Rank Name Per capita 1. Connecticut $58,908…

Retirement Information

Source: Department of Labor 1. Know your retirement needs. Retirement is expensive. Experts estimate that you'll need about 70% of your pre-retirement income—lower earners, 90% or more—to…

Economic Indicators for Consumers

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Web: Investors should follow economic news, since the health of the economy affects individual investments. Yet, sometimes press reports…

Brewer's: Black Friday

December 6th, 1745, the day on which the news arrived in London that the Pretender had reached Derby. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Black GameBlack Friars…

Brewer's: Default

Judgment by default is when the defendant does not appear in court on the day appointed. The judge gives sentence in favour of the plaintiff, not because the plaintiff is right, but from…

Federal Programs

Amendments to the Social Security Act provided unemployment insurance for Federal civilian employees (1954) and for ex-servicemen (1958). Benefits under these programs are paid by state…

Financial Planners

Source: Consumer Federation of American and National Institute for Consumer Education. The way in which a financial planner is compensated can directly affect the advice he or she gives clients. A…