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Charles Black, Jr. Biography

Charles Black, Jr.Born: 9/22/1915Birthplace: Austin, Texas constitutional law expert and professor who helped to write the legal brief for 10-year-old Linda Brown, the plaintiff in the…

Joe Black 2002 Deaths

Joe BlackAge: 78 Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher, who won rookie of the year honors and became the first black pitcher to win a World Series game in 1952; helped Brooklyn win National League pennant…

Conrad Black, 2004 News

founder and former CEO of Hollinger International, a media conglomerate that owns the Chicago Sun-Times, the Jerusalem Post, and other holdings, was accused by its board of stealing more…

Brewer's: Black Hole of Calcutta

A dark cell in a prison into which Suraja Dowlah thrust 146 British prisoners. Next morning only twenty-three were found alive (1756). The punishment cell or lock-up in barracks. Source…

Brewer's: Black Letter Day

An unlucky day; one to be recalled with regret. The Romans marked their unlucky days with a piece of black charcoal, and their lucky ones with white chalk. Black-letter dogs. Literary…

Brewer's: Black Rood of Scotland

The “piece of the true cross” or rood, set in an ebony crucifix, which Margaret, the wife of King Malcolm, left at death to the Scottish nation. It passed into various hands, but was lost…

Brewer's: Black-thorn Winter

(The ). The cold weather which frequently occurs when the black-thorn is in blossom. (See Borrowed Days.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Black…

Brewer's: Procession of the Black Breeches

This is the heading of a chapter in vol. ii. of Carlyle's French Revolution. The chapter contains a description of the mob procession, headed by Santerre carrying a pair of black satin…

Brewer's: Judge's Black Cap

The judge puts on his black cap (now a three-cornered piece of black silk) when he condemns to death, in sign of mourning. This sign is very ancient. “Haman hasted to his house mourning,…

Brewer's: Swear Black is White

(To). To swear to any falsehood. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Swear by my SwordSwear A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W…