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2005 World History

Mahmoud Abbas(1935– )Mahmoud Ahmadinejad(1956– )Angela Merkel(1954– )Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf(1938– )2005Worldwide aid pours in to help the 11 Asian countries devastated by the Dec. 26, 2004,…

2006 World History

2006 Coalition forces battle insurgents on the streets of Iraq, as secretarian violence intensifies; see Iraq Timeline 2006 for details (all…

2007 World History

2007 Coalition forces battle insurgents on the streets of Iraq, as secretarian violence intensifies; see Iraq Timeline 2007 for details (…

Kurdish History Timeline

by Borgna Brunner Related Links Turkey | Map KurdistanIraq Primer The Kurds have lived in a mountainous, roughly 74,000-square-mile region known as Kurdistan for the past two millennia…

History of the American Flag

According to popular legend, the first American flag was made by Betsy Ross, a Philadelphia seamstress who was acquainted with George Washington, leader of the Continental Army, and other…

U.S. History Timeline

The defining moments of American history U.S. History is short in the grand scheme of things, but there's still a whole lot for any one person to keep straight. We've thrown together a timeline with…

Fashion & Costume History

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Fashions & Costumes History of Clothing & Fashion Sites Timeline of Costume History Images The Costume Gallery The History of…

History of Camp David

A brief history of the Presidential mountain retreat and its famous guests by David Johnson President Kennedy with JFK, Jr., at Camp David. (Source: John F. Kennedy Library)…

History of Party Conventions

Today's pep rallies, yesterday's battlegrounds by Beth Rowen Protesters Shannon Collins and Olivia Christian at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith…

The History of the Crossword Puzzle

In 1913, it was a "word-cross"; in ancient Rome, a word square by Christine Frantz   Crosswords evolved from ancient word squares, which are made of words of equal length that are…