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The Devil's Dictionary: History
by Ambrose Bierce HISTORIANHOGHISTORY -n. An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers mostly knaves, and soldiers mostly fools. Of Roman…Contact lens history
The Question: When were contact lenses invented? The Answer: The first contact lens was invented in 1887 by A.E. Fick, a Swiss physician. It…Editing film history
The Question: Did Humphrey Bogart really say "Play it again Sam"? And what movie was it in? The Answer: In the 1942 film classic Casablanca…Red Cross History
The Question: From where and why did the American Red Cross obtain/use a "red cross" as their symbol or logo? The Answer: The symbol that the American Red Cross uses-a red cross on a white…Tallest Buildings in History
The Question: Historically, what have been the world's tallest buildings? The Answer: Before getting to the list, let's define our terms. By…Brewer's: Augustan History
A series of histories of the Roman Empire from 157 to 285, ascribed to the six following authors: Delius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, Ælius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius…Fortune Cookie History
The Question: When were fortune cookies invented? The Answer: The one point on which there is widespread agreement is that fortune cookies were…History of the Crossword Puzzle
On Dec. 21, 1913, the Sunday New York World printed a puzzle called a “word-cross,” devised by Liverpudlian Arthur Wynne. The puzzle was an immediate success and became a weekly feature. The name…Headline History-1986
The Question: I am in the 7th grade and I am doing a report on my life story. Can you help me find 10 events that happened in 1986? The Answer…History of 7-Up
The Question: What does the "7" in "7-Up" stand for or mean? The Answer: Unfortunately, nobody seems to know the exact origin of name 7-Up…