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Displaying 421 - 430

Brewer's: Augustan History

A series of histories of the Roman Empire from 157 to 285, ascribed to the six following authors: Delius Spartianus, Julius Capitolinus, Ælius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius…

History of Camp David

A brief history of the Presidential mountain retreat and its famous guests by David Johnson President Kennedy with JFK, Jr., at Camp David. (Source: John F. Kennedy Library)…

History of Party Conventions

Today's pep rallies, yesterday's battlegrounds by Beth Rowen Protesters Shannon Collins and Olivia Christian at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith…

The History of the Crossword Puzzle

In 1913, it was a "word-cross"; in ancient Rome, a word square by Christine Frantz   Crosswords evolved from ancient word squares, which are made of words of equal length that are…

Red Cross History

The Question: From where and why did the American Red Cross obtain/use a "red cross" as their symbol or logo? The Answer: The symbol that the American Red Cross uses-a red cross on a white…

Tallest Buildings in History

The Question: Historically, what have been the world's tallest buildings? The Answer: Before getting to the list, let's define our terms. By…

Contact lens history

The Question: When were contact lenses invented? The Answer: The first contact lens was invented in 1887 by A.E. Fick, a Swiss physician. It…

Editing film history

The Question: Did Humphrey Bogart really say "Play it again Sam"? And what movie was it in? The Answer: In the 1942 film classic Casablanca…

Fortune Cookie History

The Question: When were fortune cookies invented? The Answer: The one point on which there is widespread agreement is that fortune cookies were…

History of the Crossword Puzzle

On Dec. 21, 1913, the Sunday New York World printed a puzzle called a “word-cross,” devised by Liverpudlian Arthur Wynne. The puzzle was an immediate success and became a weekly feature. The name…