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What is this job like? If you've ever surfed the Internet, you already know something about what webmasters do. Webmasters make web sites. They turn words and art into Internet sites that…

Valentine's Day History

Pagan festivals, Christian saints, Chaucer's love birds, and the Greeting Card Association of America Roman Roots The history of Valentine's Day is obscure, and further clouded by various…

Most Expensive U.S. Colleges and Universities

The priciest diplomas in the land It's well-known that the cost of education has skyrocketed in the past two decades. But, determining exactly how much school will cost is dependent on a lot of…

Brewer's: Benedict

A bachelor, not necessarily one pledged to celibacy, but simply a man of marriageable age, not married. St. Benedict was a most uncompromising stickler for celibacy. “Is it not a pun?…

Brewer's: Quarters

Residence or place of abode; as, winter quarters, the place where an army lodges during the winter months. We say “this quarter of the town,” meaning this district or part; the French…

Brewer's: Questionists

In the examinations for degrees in the University of Cambridge it was customary, at the beginning of the January term, to hold “Acts,” and the candidates for the Bachelor's degree were…

Brewer's: Poets Laureate

appointed by letters patent. The following are sometimes included, though not appointed by letters patent:—Chaucer, Gower, John Key, Bernard, Skelton, Rob. Whittington, Richard Edwards,…

Brewer's: Surplice

(2 syl.). Over the fur robe. (Latin, super-pellicium.) The clerical robe worn over the bachelor's ordinary dress, which was anciently made of sheepskin. The ancient Celts and Germans also…

Brewer's: Seal

The sire is called a bull, its females are cows, the offspring are called pups; the breeding-place is called a rookery, a group of young seals is called a pod. The male seal till it is…