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Common Abbreviations

This table provides some comon abbreviations and their meanings. Notice that many abbreviations only differ by a capitalization or punctuation, which can be perplexing! This table willl ensure you…

Desktop Publisher

What is this job like? Using computer software, these workers combine printed material, numbers, pictures, and charts to prepare publications. They also write and correct text. They make…

Civil Engineer

What is this job like? Civil engineers design things. These might be roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, or water supply and sewage systems. They must consider many factors in…

Computer Support Specialist

What is this job like? When people have computer trouble, they ask these workers for help. Computer support specialists help people use computers. When something goes wrong, support…

James Buchanan Biography

James BuchananBorn: 4/23/1791Birthplace: Mercersburg, Pa. James Buchanan was born near Mercersburg, Pa., on April 23, 1791. A Dickinson graduate and a lawyer, he entered Pennsylvania…

The Last Night of Ballyhoo

By: Alfred UhryDirector: Ron LagomarsinoSets: John Lee BeattyCostumes: Jane GreenwoodLighting: Kenneth PosnerSound: Tony MeolaIncidental Music: Robert WaldmanOpened: 2/97 at the Helen Hayes…

Watson Carvosso SQUIRE, Congress, WA (1838-1926)

Senate Years of Service: 1889-1897 Party: Republican SQUIRE Watson Carvosso , a Senator from Washington; born in Cape Vincent, Jefferson County, N.Y., May 18, 1838; attended the public schools,…


What is this job like? Designers have a desire to create. They mix knowledge with artistic ability. Designers focus in a specific area of design such as cars or Web sites. The first step is…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Merlin II

Merlin IIThe rhyme of the poet Modulates the king's affairs; Balance-loving Nature Made all things in pairs. To every foot its antipode; Each color with its counter glowed; To every tone beat…

Marketing Manager

Kevin Helm Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I'm the marketing manager for an 89,000 member-physician association. I function mostly as a…