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Most Expensive U.S. Colleges and Universities

These are the colleges and universities in the United States that cost the most to attend. The table includes data on the annual cost of attending these institutions based on tuition plus room and…

Brewer's: Cap

Black cap (See page 140, Black Cap.) Cater cap. A square cap or mortar-board. (French, quartier.) College cap. A trencher like the caps worn at the English Universities by students and…

American Indians: Census Facts, 2005

From the U.S. Census Bureau by U.S. Census Bureau Related Links Notable American IndiansPreference for Racial or Ethnic TerminologyIndian Languages Spoken at HomeFacts About…

Famous African American Scientists

Percy L. Julian, Aprille Ericsson, and other exceptional scientists by Ann Marie Imbornoni   Charles Henry Turner Related Links Black History Month Features…

Presidential Trivia

Who was the only bachelor to lead the nation? Presidents Who Were Related to Each Other John Adams was the father of John Quincy Adams. James Madison and Zachary Taylor were second cousins…