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Arnold, Frances Hamilton

(Encyclopedia) Arnold, Frances Hamilton, 1956–, American chemical engineer, b. Edgewood, Pa., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1985. Arnold has been a professor at the California Institute of…


(Encyclopedia) neuralgianeuralgian&oobreve;rălˈjə, ny&oobreve;– [key], acute paroxysmal pain along a peripheral sensory nerve. Unlike neuritis, there is no inflammation or degeneration of…

Palade, George Emil

(Encyclopedia) Palade, George EmilPalade, George Emilpäläˈdē [key], 1912–2008, American cell biologist, b. Iaşi, Romania, M.D. Univ. of Bucharest, 1940. He was a faculty member at the Rockefeller…


(Encyclopedia) oscilloscopeoscilloscopeəsĭlˈəskōpˌ [key], electronic device used to produce visual displays corresponding to electrical signals. Displays of such nonelectrical phenomena as the…

Mullis, Kary Banks

(Encyclopedia) Mullis, Kary Banks, 1944–2019, American biochemist, b. Lenoir, N.C., Ph.D. Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1972. Mullis was a researcher with Cetus Corp., Emeryville, Calif., from 1979…

parallel processing

(Encyclopedia) parallel processing, the concurrent or simultaneous execution of two or more parts of a single computer program, at speeds far exceeding those of a conventional computer. Parallel…

Feringa, Bernard Lucas

(Encyclopedia) Feringa, Bernard Lucas, 1951–, Dutch organic chemist, Ph.D. Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, 1978. He has been on the faculty at the Univ. of Groningen since 1984. Feringa was jointly…

Hamilton, Sir William Rowan

(Encyclopedia) Hamilton, Sir William Rowan, 1805–65, Irish mathematician and astronomer, b. Dublin. A child prodigy, he had mastered 13 languages by the age of 13 and was still an undergraduate when…

Treisman, Anne

(Encyclopedia) Treisman, Anne, 1935–2018, British cognitive psychologist, b. Anne Marie Taylor, Ph.D. Oxford, 1962. She taught at Oxford from 1968, the Univ. of British Columbia from 1978, Univ. of…

infrared radiation

(Encyclopedia) infrared radiation, electromagnetic radiation having a wavelength in the range from c.75 × 10−6 cm to c.100,000 × 10−6 cm (0.000075–0.1 cm). Infrared rays thus occupy that part of the…