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Melville, Herman

(Encyclopedia) Melville, Herman, 1819–91, American author, b. New York City, considered one of the great American writers and a major figure in world literature. Like Moby-Dick, Pierre; or, The…

Shaw, George Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Shaw, George Bernard, 1856–1950, Irish playwright and critic. He revolutionized the Victorian stage, then dominated by artificial melodramas, by presenting vigorous dramas of ideas.…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Types of fruit fruit, matured ovary of the pistil of a flower, containing the seed. After the egg nucleus, or ovum, has been fertilized (see fertilization) and the embryo…

2002 LPGA Tour Results

2002 Last Rd Tournament Winner Earnings Runner-Up Mar. 2 Takefuji Classic Annika Sorenstam (196)* $135,000 L. Kane (196) Mar. 17 Ping Banner Health Rachel Teske (…

Current Events This Week: July 2023

Top of Page World News | U.S. News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News It's a busy world out there, so that’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories for each week of July 2023…

Anne Bradstreet: Childhood

Childhood Ah me! conceiv'd in sin, and born in sorrow, A nothing, here to day, but gone to morrow, Whose mean beginning, blushing can't reveal, But night and darkness must with shame conceal…

James Winthrop: Agrippa XIV

Agrippa XIVJames Winthrop18 January 1788by James Winthrop(Concluded from our last.)To the Massachusetts Convention.Gentlemen,To tell us that we ought to look beyond local interests. and judge…

Brewer's: Mandrake

The root of the mandragora often divides itself in two, and presents a rude appearance of a man. In ancient times human figures were often cut out of the root, and wonderful virtues…

Sentences: I Know It When I See It: The Sentence

I Know It When I See It: The SentenceSentencesIntroductionI Know It When I See It: The SentenceSentence Structure: The Fab FourSentence Functions: The Four TopsAlley Oops Sentence: Stop! Sentence…