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Brewer's: Mandrake

The root of the mandragora often divides itself in two, and presents a rude appearance of a man. In ancient times human figures were often cut out of the root, and wonderful virtues…

Joel: 1

Joel Chapter 1 1 The word of the LORD that came to Joel the son of Pethuel. 2 Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Old House

The BellThe Happy FamilyThe Old House In the street, up there, was an old, a very old house - it was almost three hundred years old, for that might be known by reading the great beam on…

Most Powerful Women in the World 2016

The following table lists the most powerful women in the world, according to Forbes. The women range from presidents to CEOs to philanthropists. Rank Name Title 1. Angela Merkel…

History of July 4 Celebrations

  America's biggest secular holiday John Adams wrote that the Fourth of July "...ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations…

Top Internet Properties

Yahoo! remains at the top of the Internet properties list, which includes a site and all of its affiliated pages. The Time Warner Network of sites, which includes AOL, HBO, New Line Cinema,…

Brewer's: Bee

The Athenian Bee. Plato. (See Athenian Bee , page 72, col. 1.) It is said that when Plato was in his cradle, a swarm of bees alighted on his mouth. The story is good enough for poets and…