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(Encyclopedia) AcontiusAcontiusəkŏnˈshəs [key], in Greek mythology, young man who loved Cydippe. He met her at a festival of Artemis and threw before her an apple inscribed, “I swear by the temple of…

Eris, in Greek religion

(Encyclopedia) ErisErisēˈrĭs [key], in Greek religion, goddess of strife. Angered at not being invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, she threw the apple of discord among the wedding guests (…


(Encyclopedia) Westford, town (1990 pop. 16,392), Middlesex co., NE Mass., a suburb of the greater Boston area; settled 1653, set off from Chelmsford and inc. 1729. Although chiefly residential,…


(Encyclopedia) mandrake, plant of the family Solanaceae (nightshade family), the source of a narcotic much used during the Middle Ages as a pain-killer and perhaps the subject of more superstition…

Christina Rossetti: An Apple Gathering

An Apple GatheringI plucked pink blossoms from mine apple-tree And wore them all that evening in my hair: Then in due season when I went to see I found no apples there.With dangling…

Amy Lowell: Apples of Hesperides

Apples of HesperidesGlinting golden through the trees, Apples of Hesperides! Through the moon-pierced warp of night Shoot pale shafts of yellow light, Swaying to the kissing breeze Swings…

Brewer's: Micah Rood's Apples

Apples with a spot of red (like blood) in the heart. Micah Rood was a prosperous farmer at Franklin. In 1693 a pedlar with jewellery called at his house, and next day was found murdered…

Brewer's: Apple-pie Bed

A bed in which the sheets are so folded that a person cannot get his legs down; from the apple turnover; or, more probably, a corruption of “a nap-pe-pli bed.” (French, nappe pliée, a…

Brewer's: Apple-pie Order

Prim and precise order. The origin of this phrase is still doubtful. Some suggest cap-à-pie, like a knight in complete armour. Some tell us that apples made into a pie are quartered and…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Barberry, Berberis vulgaris barberrybarberrybärˈbĕrˌē [key], common name for the family Berberidaceae, and specifically for the spiny barberries (Berberis species). The family…