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Brewer's: Golden Apple

“What female heart can gold despise? ” (Gray) In allusion to the fable of Atalanta, the swiftest of all mortals. She vowed to marry only that man who could outstrip her in a race. Milanion…

Brewer's: Devil's Apple

The mandrake. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Devil's ArrowsDevil's Advocate A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z…

Brewer's: Apple-john

(An). An apple so called from its being at maturity about St. John's Day (May 6th). We are told that apple-johns will keep for two years, and are best when shrivelled. “I am withered like…

Brewer's: Singing Apple

was a ruby apple on a stem of amber. It had the power of persuading anyone to anything merely by its odour, and enabled the possessor to write verses, make people laugh or cry, and itself…

Fiona Apple Biography

Fiona Apple (Fiona Apple Maggart)musicianBorn: 9/13/1977Birthplace: New York City Her debut album Tidal (1996) has gone multiple-platinum with sales driven by the unique style of the piano-…

Paris, in Greek mythology

(Encyclopedia) Paris or Alexander, in Greek mythology, son of Priam and Hecuba and brother of Hector. Because it was prophesied that he would cause the destruction of Troy, Paris was abandoned on Mt…


(Encyclopedia) applejack, brandy made by distilling hard cider or fermented apple pomace. Another method of making applejack, now rarely used, is to let fermented cider freeze and then to remove the…


(Encyclopedia) garnieritegarnieritegärˈnēərītˌ [key], pale apple-green mineral, chemically a hydrous silicate of nickel and magnesium. An important ore of nickel, it is found in New Caledonia, Russia…

state flowers

(Encyclopedia) state flowers. Each state of the United States has designated, usually by legislative action, one flower as its floral emblem; the rose has been designated by Congress as the national…


(Encyclopedia) ylang-ylangylang-ylangēˈläng-ēˈläng [key], perfume oil obtained by distillation of the fragrant flowers of Cananga odorata, a large tropical Asian tree of the custard-apple family. The…