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(Encyclopedia) mistletoe, common name for the Loranthaceae, a family of chiefly tropical hemiparasitic herbs and shrubs with leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries. They have green leaves,…

rust, in botany

(Encyclopedia) rust, in botany, name for various parasitic fungi of the order Uredinales and for the diseases of plants that they cause. Rusts form reddish patches of spores on the host plant. About…

Anderson, Lennart

(Encyclopedia) Anderson, Lennart (Anders Lennart Anderson), 1928–2015, American artist, b. Detroit. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago (B.F.A., 1950) and Cranbrook Academy of Art (M.F.A.,…


(Encyclopedia) guavaguavagwäˈvə [key], small evergreen tree or shrub of the genus Psidium of the family Myrtaceae (myrtle family), native to tropical America and grown elsewhere for its ornamental…


(Encyclopedia) cashewcashewkăshˈ&oomacr;, kəsh&oomacr;ˈ [key], tropical American tree (Anacardium occidentale) of the family Anacardiaceae (sumac family), valued chiefly for the cashew nut of…

tung oil

(Encyclopedia) tung oil, oil obtained from the seeds of a tropical tree, the tung tree (Aleurites fordii) of the spurge family, and from seeds of some related species, all from Indomalesia or W…

Torvalds, Linus Benedict

(Encyclopedia) Torvalds, Linus Benedict, 1969–, Finnish-American computer software engineer. A member of Finland's Swedish-speaking minority, he attended the Univ. of Helsinki (M.S., 1996), where he…


(Encyclopedia) curculiocurculiokərky&oomacr;ˈlēō [key], name applied to various weevils (members of the snout beetle family, or Curculionidae), especially those that attack fruit. The term is…

Hudson, towns, United States

(Encyclopedia) Hudson. 1 Industrial town (2020 pop. 20,092), Middlesex co., E central Mass., on the Assabet River, in an apple-growing region; settled…


(Encyclopedia) mangomangomăngˈgō [key], evergreen tree of the Anacardiaceae (sumac family), native to tropical E Asia and now grown in both hemispheres. The chief species, Mangifera indica, is…