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Taylor, James Vernon

(Encyclopedia) Taylor, James Vernon, 1948-, American singer-songwriter, b. Boston, Ma. Taylor was born in Boston but raised in Chapel Hill, N.C. As a…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Pasture rose, Rosa carolina rose, common name for some members of the Rosaceae, a large family of herbs, shrubs, and trees distributed over most of the earth, and for plants of…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Two methods of grafting grafting, horticultural practice of uniting parts of two plants so that they grow as one. The scion, or cion, the part grafted onto the stock or rooted…

Lispector, Clarice

(Encyclopedia) Lispector, Clarice Lispector, Clarice klârˈĭs lēspĕkˈtər [key], 1920–77…


(Encyclopedia) supercomputer, a state-of-the-art, extremely powerful computer capable of manipulating massive amounts of data in a relatively short time. Supercomputers are very expensive and are…

Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

A mixed number is a combination of a whole number and a fraction. For example, if you have two whole apples and one half apple, you could describe this as 2 + 1/2 apples, or 21/2 apples. Writing…

Got Pesticides?

The hidden ingredient in children's diets by Kim Lundgren The 10 Most Important Foods to Buy Organic Baby food Strawberries Grains Milk Corn (corn chips, popcorn) Bananas Green beans Peaches…


(Encyclopedia) Asturias Asturias äst&oomacr;ˈryäs [key], autonomous community and coextensive prov., 4,093 sq mi (10,602 sq km), and former kingdom, NW Spain, S of the…