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The Devil's Dictionary: Newtonian

by Ambrose Bierce NEPOTISMNIHILISTNEWTONIAN -adj. Pertaining to a philosophy of the universe invented by Newton, who discovered that an apple will fall to the ground, but was unable to say…

Walt Whitman: Out of May's Shows Selected

Out of May's Shows SelectedApple orchards, the trees all cover'd with blossoms; Wheat fields carpeted far and near in vital emerald green; The eternal, exhaustless freshness of each early…

Slideshow: Famous Adoptees or Adopters

by Beth Rowen For many people today, adoption is a way to create a family. For others, it's a way to expand an existing family. Indeed, one can't pass through the…

Aesop's Fables: The Boy and the Nettles

by Aesop The Mouse, the Frog, and the HawkThe Peasant and the Apple-TreeThe Boy and the Nettles A Boy was gathering berries from a hedge when his hand was stung by a Nettle. Smarting with…

You Wish

ABCFriday 9:00–9:30 p.m.; canceledCast: John Ales, Harley Jane Kozak, Nathan Lawrence and Alex McKenna No-nonsense single mother Gillian Apple (Kozak) is not ready for the chaos that follows…

Walt Whitman: Not Meagre, Latent Boughs Alone

Not Meagre, Latent Boughs AloneNot meagre, latent boughs alone, O songs! (scaly and bare, like eagles' talons,) But haply for some sunny day (who knows?) some future spring, some…

Walt Whitman: Sounds of the Winter

Sounds of the WinterSounds of the winter too, Sunshine upon the mountains—many a distant strain From cheery railroad train—from nearer field, barn, house, The whispering air—even the mute…