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Displaying 271 - 280

Aesop's Fables: The Jackdaw and the Pigeons

by Aesop The Peasant and the Apple-TreeJupiter and the TortoiseThe Jackdaw and the Pigeons A Jackdaw, watching some Pigeons in a farmyard, was filled with envy when he saw how well they…

James Russell TUTEN, Congress, GA (1911-1968)

TUTEN James Russell , a Representative from Georgia; born on a farm in Appling County, Ga., July 23, 1911; educated in county public schools, South Georgia College at Douglas, and Georgia Southern…

August 1997 News and Events

1997 News Month-By-MonthWorldIsrael Steps Up Pressure on Palestinians (Aug. 1): Arrests dozens in wake of suicide bombing in crowded market. Delays drastic action against Palestinian leaders.…

Education Facts At a Glance

School facts from the Census Bureau Related Links Percent of Population Enrolled in SchoolSchool EnrollmentU.S. Education StatisticsPublic Schools with Internet AccessCost of Higher Education…

American Music Timeline - 1970-Present

Part VII: 1970-present by David Johnson Previous: The 1960s1970 1979 1982 1990 1995 2000s Early 1970s The Moody Blues, Electric Light Orchestra, and Pink Floyd create "art rock", combining…

Brewer's: Egg.

Eggs. (Anglo-Saxon, æg.) A bad egg. A bad speculation; a man who promises, but whose promises are pie-crust. A duck's egg, in cricket. (See Duck.) Golden eggs. Great profits. (See Goose…


GoldilocksAfter the last excitement peace descended upon Plumfield and reigned unbroken for several weeks, for the elder boys felt that the loss of Nan and Rob lay at their door, and all…

Amy Lowell: Off the Turnpike

Off the TurnpikeGood ev'nin', Mis' Priest. I jest stepped in to tell you Good-bye. Yes, it's all over. All my things is packed An' every last one o' them boxes Is on Bradley's team Bein'…