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Displaying 201 - 210

Brewer's: Bragi

Son of Odin and Frigga. According to Scandinavian mythology, he was the inventor of poetry; but, unlike Apollo, he is always represented as an old man with a long white beard. His wife was…

Brewer's: Bragi's Story

Always enchanting, but never coming to an end. “But I have made my story long enough; if I say more, you may fancy that it is Bragi who has come among you, and that he has entered on his…

Brewer's: Singapores

(3 syl.), in Stock-Exchange phraseology, means, “British Indian Extension Telegraph Stock.” (See Stock-Exchange Slang.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Singing-Bread

consecrated by the priest singing. (French, pain à chanter.) The reformers directed that the sacramental bread should be similar in fineness and fashion to the round bread- and-water…

Brewer's: Adam's Ale

Water as a beverage; from the supposition that Adam had nothing but water to drink. In Scotland water for a beverage is called Adam's Wine. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Adam's Needle.

The yucca, so called because it is sharp-pointed like a needle. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Adam's PeakAdam's Apple A B C D E F G H I J K L M…

Brewer's: Avalon

An ocean island, where King Arthur resided and was buried. The word means “Apple island” (aval , apple; yn, island); and it is generally thought to mean Glastonbury, a name derived from…

Brewer's: Appian Way

The oldest and best of all the Roman roads, leading from the Porta Capena of Rome to Capua. This “queen of roads” was commenced by Appius Claudius, the decemvir, B.C. 313. Source:…

Brewer's: April

The opening month, when the trees unfold, and the womb of nature opens with young life. (Latin, aperire, to open.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894April…

Brewer's: Mediaeval

or Middle Ages begin with the Council of Chalcedon (451), and end with the revival of literature in the fifteenth century, according to the Rev. J. G. Dowling. According to Hallam, they…