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Displaying 471 - 480

We'll bail you out

The Question: At what length does a boat become a ship? The Answer: The determining factors that distinguish boats from ships has evolved over time…

White House Wedding

The Question: Has a president ever been married in the White House? The Answer: Yes. Grover Cleveland, the only U.S. president to serve two…

Words that End in "dous"

The Question: There are four words that end in "dous" in the English language and I can only come up with three - stupendous, tremendous and horrendous. Can…

Youngest Supreme Court Justice

The Question: Who is the youngest person ever appointed to the Supreme Court? The Answer: The youngest person ever appointed to the U.S.…

April is the Cruelest Month

The Question: Where does the quote "April is the cruelest month" come from? The Answer: This is the first line of T. S. Eliot's poem "…

Certificate of Need Programs

The Question: Why and when was the Certificate of Need (CON) created? The Answer: Certificate of Need (CON) programs are used today by 37 states…

Famous People Born in 1899

The Question: I was wondering if you could send me - or refer me to - a thorough list of prominent Americans born in 1899. Those I'm aware of are Duke…

Going up?

The Question: I am helping my daughter learn more about skyscrapers, but I have been unable to locate the answer to one question. How many stories does a…

Leap Year Rules

The Question: Why does February have 29 days every 4 years. The Answer: A leap year occurs every four years to help synchronize the calendar…