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Displaying 441 - 450

The "Seven Seas"

The Question: What are "the Seven Seas?" The Answer: The phrase "seven seas" is an ancient term used to describe all the seas and oceans of the world. The phrase has no definite meaning, which…

Strikeout Statistics

The Question: I'm Looking for the total Life Time Strike Outs for Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and Babe Ruth for use in 6th Grade Class room. I will use this…

The Tradition of Jewish Holidays

The Question: Why do Jewish holidays begin at sundown? There has to be a practical answer other than referring to the traditions of the Jewish Calendar. The Answer: We're not really sure what…

Transporting the Statue of Liberty

The Question: What was the name of the vessel that brought the Statue of Liberty to America? The Answer: French sculptor Frederic Auguste…

World's Largest Desert

The Question: What is the largest desert in the world? The Answer: The largest (nonpolar) desert in the world is the Sahara, in north Africa, which spans an area measured at roughly 3.5…

Bell and Watson's Recall

The Question: What were the first U.S. cities linked by a transcontinental phone line? The Answer: On Jan. 25, 1915, the first official…

The Czardas Dance

The Question: I am trying to identify the Russian dance where the "dancers" have their arms crossed in front of them while they bouncing up and down and…

Date of Easter

The Question: Why does Easter occur at different times each year? The Answer: Easter, for Western churches, is calculated as the first Sunday…

Who uses Euros in the EU?

The Question: Which EU members are using the euro as a currency? Is EU different from EEC? What does EEC stand for? The Answer:…