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Angel Carter

Angel Carter is the twin of teen pop star Aaron Carter and the younger sister of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter. (Angel is slightly older than Aaron, having preceded him by a few minutes.) In…

Princess Kiko, 2006 News

wife of the younger son of Japan's emperor, gave birth to a boy in September. The child's birth spares Japan a controversial debate over whether women should be allowed to ascend to the…

Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas wrote the classic adventure novel The Three Musketeers and some of the most famous and popular stories in French literature. Beginning in 1844 he had a string of brilliantly…

Niki Taylor

Niki Taylor was one of the most successful supermodels of the 1990s, known in particular for her fresh, low-glamour beauty. She first appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine at age 14, and later…

Lauren Bush

Model Lauren Bush is the niece of former U.S. president George W. Bush. (Her father is Bush's younger brother Neil Mallon Bush.) Bush began modelling in her teens, becoming generally more popular in…

What happened in 1987

The Question: I'm in 7th grade and I need to know what the postage rate for a first class letter was and also I need to know one top story in 1987 for my life story…

King Abdullah II, 1999 News

37, became the fourth ruler of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in February, succeeding his father, King Hussein, who died after losing an 8-month battle with cancer. Abdullah, the former…

Bashar Assad, 2000 News

34, Syrian ophthalmologist, was thrust into the international spotlight after his father, Syrian president Hafez Assad, died of a heart attack in June. Hafez Assad had been grooming his soft…

John Kennedy, Jr., 1997 News

withdrew from the Massachusetts gubernatorial race in the wake of publicity surrounding his request for an annulment of his first marriage and accusations that his younger brother Michael…

Steve Burns

Steve Burns produced and starred in the children's television series Blue's Clues from 1996 until 2002. As "Steve," Burns and his co-star, a computer-generated dog named Blue, entertained and…