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West, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) West, Benjamin, 1738–1820, American historical painter who worked in England. He was born in Springfield, Pa., in a house that is now a memorial museum at Swarthmore College. After…

Benalcázar, Sebastián de

(Encyclopedia) Benalcázar or Belalcázar, Sebastián deBenalcázar or Belalcázar, Sebastián desābästyänˈ dā bānälkäˈthär, bāläl– [key], c.1479–1551, Spanish conquistador. After accompanying Columbus on…

Genesis: 19

Genesis Chapter 19 1 And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face…

Coleridge: The Beginnings

At Nether StoweyThe Beginnings Coleridge lived in what may safely be called the most momentous period of modern history. In the year following his birth Warren Hastings was appointed first…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Peter Bell, Dedication

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Prologue Dedication To Thomas Brown, Esq., the Younger, H.F. Dear Tom, Allow me to request you to introduce Mr. Peter Bell to the respectable family of the Fudges.…

Prince William

  by David Johnson Prince William and his younger brother, Prince Henry (Source:AP) Related Links Royal Family Tree Queen Elizabeth II King Charles III Prince Henry Quiz:…

2005–2006 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 2005–2006 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on April 28, 2006, at Hollywood's Kodak Theatre. Outstanding Drama Series:…

2003–2004 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 2003–2004 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on May 21, 2004, at New York City's Radio City Music Hall.Outstanding Drama Series: The Young and the Restless (CBS)Lead Actor in a Drama…

1997–1998 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 1997–1998 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on May 15, 1998, at New York City's Radio City Music Hall.Outstanding Drama Series: All My Children (ABC)Lead Actor in a Drama Series: Eric…

1998–1999 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 1998–1999 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on May 21, 1999, at New York City's Madison Square Garden.Outstanding Drama Series: General Hospital (ABC)Lead Actor in a Drama Series:…