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(Encyclopedia) Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar)Neronērˈō [key], a.d. 37–a.d. 68, Roman emperor (a.d. 54–a.d. 68). He was originally named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus and was the son of Cnaeus Domitius…


(Encyclopedia) Augsburg Augsburg ouksˈb&oobreve;rk [key], city, capital of Swabia, Bavaria, S central Germany, a major industrial center on the Lech River. The major…


(Encyclopedia) Phidias or PheidiasPheidiasboth: fĭdˈēəs [key], c.500–c.432 b.c., Greek sculptor, one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. No original in existence can be attributed to him…

Daley, Richard Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Daley, Richard Joseph, 1902–76, U.S. political leader, b. Chicago. Admitted to the bar in 1933, he entered politics and served as a Democrat in the state assembly (1936–38) and the…

Claudius I

(Encyclopedia) Claudius I (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus)Claudius Iklôdˈēəs [key], 10 b.c.–a.d. 54, Roman emperor (a.d. 41–a.d. 54), son of Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus and thus nephew…


(Encyclopedia) Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catilina)Catilinekătˈĭlīn [key], c.108 b.c.–62 b.c., Roman politician and conspirator. At first a conservative and a partisan of Sulla, he was praetor in 68 b.…


(Encyclopedia) XenophonXenophonzĕnˈəfən [key], c.430 b.c.–c.355 b.c., Greek historian, b. Athens. He was one of the well-to-do young disciples of Socrates before leaving Athens to join the Greek…

Tilly, Johannes Tserklaes, count of

(Encyclopedia) Tilly, Johannes Tserklaes, count ofTilly, Johannes Tserklaes, count ofyōhänˈəs tsĕrkläsˈ tĭlˈē [key], 1559–1632, general in Bavarian and later imperial service during the Thirty Years…

Joe Jonas

Name at birth: Joseph Adam JonasJoe Jonas is the middle member of the Jonas Brothers, the popular teen pop-punk band. Joe plays guitar and swaps lead and backing vocals with his younger brother Nick…

Edith Brown Clement

Edith "Joy" Brown Clement is a judge on the United State Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, based in New Orleans, Louisiana. In July of 2005 Clement was reported to be on the short list of…