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fall, the

(Encyclopedia) fall, the, i.e., the fall of man, in Christian thought: see original sin; grace.

Bull, The

(Encyclopedia) Bull, The, English name for Taurus, a constellation.

Web, the

(Encyclopedia) Web, the: see World Wide Web.

Virgin, The

(Encyclopedia) Virgin, The, English name for Virgo, a constellation.

Twins, The

(Encyclopedia) Twins, The, English name for Gemini, a constellation.

Y, the

(Encyclopedia) Y, the: see Young Men's Christian Association.

pill, the

(Encyclopedia) pill, the: see birth control.

Scorpion, The

(Encyclopedia) Scorpion, The, English name for Scorpius, a constellation.

Skaw, the

(Encyclopedia) Skaw, the, Denmark: see Skagen.

Balance, The

(Encyclopedia) Balance, The, English name for Libra, a constellation; also called The Scales.