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Ram, The

(Encyclopedia) Ram, The, English name for Aries, a constellation.

Rand, the

(Encyclopedia) Rand, the: see Witwatersrand.

Narrows, the

(Encyclopedia) Narrows, the, strait: see New York Bay.

Naze, the

(Encyclopedia) Naze, the, cape: see Lindesnes, Norway.

Needles, the

(Encyclopedia) Needles, the, England: see Wight, Isle of.

Rockies, the

(Encyclopedia) Rockies, the: see Rocky Mountains.

Dolby, Ray Milton

(Encyclopedia) Dolby, Ray Milton, 1933–2013, American inventor, audio engineer, and corporate executive, B.S. Stanford, 1957, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1961. While a teenager, he worked for Ampex Corp. (1949–…

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, island nation (2015 est. pop. 109,000), 150 sq mi (388 sq km), West Indies, in the Windward Islands. It comprises the island of Saint Vincent (…

Seward Peninsula

(Encyclopedia) Seward Peninsula, W Alaska, projecting c.200 mi (320 km) into the Bering Sea between Norton Sound and Kotzebue Sound, just below the Arctic Circle. The region is mostly bleak tundra,…

ether, in physics and astronomy

(Encyclopedia) ether or aether, in physics and astronomy, a hypothetical medium for transmitting light and heat (radiation), filling all unoccupied space; it is also called luminiferous ether. In…