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Weald, the

(Encyclopedia) Weald, theWeald, thewēld [key], area between the North Downs and the South Downs, SE England, forming part of the counties of East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey, and Kent. Formerly…

Pamlico Sound

(Encyclopedia) Pamlico SoundPamlico Soundpămˈlĭkō [key], lagoon, 80 mi (129 km) long and 15 to 30 mi (24–48 km) wide, E N.C., separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a row of low, sandy barrier islands…

Alamo, the

(Encyclopedia) Alamo, theAlamo, theălˈəmōˌ [key] [Span.,=cottonwood], building in San Antonio, Tex., “the cradle of Texas liberty.” Built as a chapel after 1744, it is all that remains of the mission…

Valley, The

(Encyclopedia) Valley, The, town (2001 pop. 1,169), capital of the British dependency of Anguilla, in the West Indies. Located in the approximate center of the island, it is Anguilla's main town and…

Savoy, the

(Encyclopedia) Savoy, the, chapel in London, between the Strand and the Thames River. Its name is derived from the palace of Peter of Savoy, uncle of Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry III. Destroyed…

Plymouth Sound

(Encyclopedia) Plymouth Sound, deep inlet of the English Channel, Devon and Cornwall, SW England. It is a famous roadstead and forms a bay c.3 mi (5 km) wide. It receives the Tamar River through the…

Pentagon, the

(Encyclopedia) Pentagon, the, building accommodating the U.S. Dept. of Defense. Located in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., the Pentagon is a vast five-sided building…

Lancaster Sound

(Encyclopedia) Lancaster Sound, arm of Baffin Bay, c.200 mi (320 km) long and 40 mi (60 km) wide, Nunavut Territory, Canada. It extends west between Devon and Baffin islands and is part of the…

bar, the

(Encyclopedia) bar, the, originally, the rail that enclosed the judge in a court; hence, a court or a system of courts. The persons qualified and authorized to conduct the trial of cases are also…

Norton Sound

(Encyclopedia) Norton Sound, inlet of the Bering Sea, c.150 mi (240 km) long and 125 mi (200 km) across at its widest point, W Alaska, S of the Seward Peninsula. Norton Bay is its northeast arm. Nome…