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Brewer's: Ab

Ab ovoFrom the very beginning. Stasinos, in the epic poem called the Little Iliad, does not rush in medias res, but begins with the eggs of Leda, from one of which Helen was born. If Leda…

Brewer's: Helen

The type of female beauty, more especially in those who have reached womanhood. Daughter of Zeus and Leda, and wife of Menelaos, King of Sparta. “She moves a goddess and she looks a queen…

Brewer's: Stone Jug

Either a stone jar or a prison. The Greek word (kordmos) means either an earthen jar or a prison, as in (chalkeo en keramo), in a brazen prison. When Venus complained to the immortals that…

Brewer's: Ulysses

(3 syl.), King of Ithaca, a small rocky island of Greece. He is represented in Homer's Iliad as full of artifices, and, according to Virgil, hit upon the device of the wooden horse, by…

Brewer's: Achilles

A-kil-leez(3 syl.). King of the Myrmidons (in Thessaly), the hero of Homer's epic poem called the Iliad. He is represented as brave and relentless. The poem begins with a quarrel between…

Brewer's: Agamemnon

Agamem′non King of Argos, in Greece, and commander-in-chief of the allied Greeks who went to the siege of Troy. The fleet being delayed by adverse winds at Aulis, Agamemnon sacrificed his…

Pirate History

Thousands of years of ambushes, raids, hijackings, and more by Mark Hughes Related Links 2008 Piracy Prone Areas and Warnings Timeline: Pirates Famous Real…

Brewer's: Odour of Sanctity

(In the). The Catholics tell us that good persons die in the “odour of sanctity;” and there is a certain truth in the phrase, for, when one honoured by the Church dies, it is not unusual…

Brewer's: Iphicles' Oxen

Quid hoc ad Iphicli boves? What has that to do with the subject in hand? So in L'Avocat the judge had to pull up the shepherd every minute with the question, “Mais, mon ami, revenon à nos…