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Preface to Second Edition - The Odyssey

Preface to First Edition Preface to Second Edition Butler's Translation of the "Odyssey" appeared originally in 1900, and The Authoress of the Odyssey in 1897. In the preface to the…

Brewer's: Ajax (the Greater)

King of Salamis, a man of giant stature, daring, and self-confident. Generally called Telamon Ajax, because he was the son of Telamon. When the armour of Hector was awarded to Ulysses…

Brewer's: Rama-Yana

The history of Rama, the best great epic poem of ancient India, and worthy to be ranked with the Iliad of Homer. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RamadanRama…

Brewer's: Sarpedon

A favourite of the gods, who assisted Priam when Troy was besieged by the allied Greeks. When Achilles refused to fight, Sarpedon made great havoc in battle, but was slain by Patroclos. (…

Brewer's: Teucer

Brother of Ajax the Greater, who went with the allied Greeks to the siege of Troy. On his return home, his father banished him the kingdom for not avenging on Ulysses the death of his…

Brewer's: Deiphobus

(4 syl.). One of the sons of Priam, and, next to Hector, the bravest and boldest of all the Trojans. On the death of his brother Paris, he married Helen; but Helen betrayed him to her…

Brewer's: Diomedes

or Diomed. King of Ætolia, in Greece, brave and obedient to authority. He survived the siege of Troy; but on his return home found his wife living in adultery, and saved his life by living…

Brewer's: Roman de la Rose

(See Iliad , The French.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Roman des RomansRoman de Chevalier de Lyon A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S…

Brewer's: Patroclos

The gentle and amiable friend of Achilles, in Homer's Iliad. When Achilles refused to fight in order to annoy Agamemnon, he sent his friend Patroclos to battle, and he was slain by…

Brewer's: Pelides

Son of Peleus (2 syl.)- that is, Achilles, the hero of Homer's Iliad, and chief of the Greek warriors that besieged Troy. When, like Pelides, bold beyond control, Homer raised high to…